State High Fitness Center
FOR QUICK REFERENCE: Faculty/Staff Sign In
* Click on the After-School Usage Link to sign up for a time slot for after school. For more information on the sign-up procedure for using the fitness center after school, click on this link. Sign ups are open!
FREE: Extra Power Clean Technique Training Sessions:
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 21 through February 13 the fitness center will be running 30-45 minute sessions from 4:15 - 5:00pm for students that are interested in learning or working on improving their power clean form. Mr. Seeland will be running these sessions and is an amazing resource. There are 8 slots available for each day and the sessions will run for four weeks starting Tuesday, January 21. To receive the maximum benefit it is recommended that you sign up for multiple sessions. You will be actively participating therefore you should come prepared to workout. All students need to be certified and have a permission form on file.
If no one is signed up for the session by 3pm the day of the session, that session will be cancelled. If you are interested in signing up, stop in to the fitness center to see Mrs. Swauger or use this link.
ADJUSTED After-School Hours for Thursday,
*See you all on Friday!
Resume regular after school hours on Friday, Feb 7
ADJUSTED After-School Hours for Monday,
February 17: Act 80/Early Dismissal Day
Faculty/Staff/Students:12:30-4pm. Please use Door 20 (same one we use during the summer)
Resume regular after school hours on Tuesday, February 18.
Regular hours are 3:45-6:30 pm Monday through Friday.
When can students fit fitness into the school day?
- Before School: Schedule Wake Up State High (only offered in the Spring for 24/25 school year) 7:40-8:30am
- During School: Schedule Fitness and Exercise Science (FES), or Select PE-Fitness Center Option
- After School: Open Monday through Friday from 3:45-6:30pm.
- REQUIRED: all students must be certified and have a current permission form on file to use the facility after school.
When can students not use the fitness center?
- Study hall (you can not sign out of study hall)
- Lunch (you can not sign out of lunch)
- During LE In, LE Out
- If they scheduled Senior Option, Junior Option
How do I access the fitness center?:
During the school year: Enter the high school through the back main office (off O'Bryan Lane). As you come in through the doors, bare LEFT and follow the green hallway. (Do not go down the stairs.) At the end of the green hallway take the stairs, they will be on your right and go up.
During the summer: Enter the fitness center through the exterior door labeled: Door 20.
How do I get my workouts?
Teambuildr is the online platform that is being utilized to administer workouts to all students. It is free of charge. Here are 4 ways you can use the platform:
- Teambuildr App (iOS/Android) on personal device
- Web browser on personal device
- Chromebook
- iPad: available in the fitness center
Follow the Fitness Center on Instagram: @scfitnessclub
- The class has 2 days of required in-person instruction in the fitness center and online class work.
- Online class work is emailed out the Friday prior to the class.
FITNESS CLUB: The club meetings will be the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
New to the school and want to see what the facility looks like? Check out this video of the Fitness Center.
Have questions? Check out the links at the left, you may find the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page particularly helpful. Still got questions? Shoot an email to the address below...
Fitness Center Operator and Fitness Club Advisor:
Diane Swauger, CSCS; USAW Level 2
Fitness Center Phone Number: (814) 272-7813