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Permission Form


Permission Forms are required for Fitness Center Participation! 

A completed and signed permission form must be handed in before any student can participate at the fitness center.

24/25 Permission Form

All students who would like to sign up for Fitness Center use are required to hand in a signed permission form before they can participate.  Students may hand the form in on their first day of participation, it must be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian.  A link to the permission form is above.

Student-athletes who are participating at the Fitness Center as part of their in or out of season sports training should contact their coach for their sports participation schedule.  Information packets and permission forms for the Fitness Center are available in the Fitness Center or can be downloaded via the link at the top of the page.

Remember: ALL STUDENTS, whether they are Fitness Club members or athletes participating as part of in- or out-of-season training, must have a current school-year permission form handed in before they can begin using the Fitness Center.  (Current school-year is considered August through July.)

If you have any questions, contact the Fitness Center by phone at 814-272-7813