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Hours of Operation

FOR QUICK REFERENCE: Faculty/Staff Sign In

(Students sign in within the facility, please bring a student ID if possible.)

ADJUSTED After-School Hours for Thursday, 

*See you all on Friday!

Resume regular after school hours on Friday, Feb 7

ADJUSTED After-School Hours for Monday, 
February 17: Act 80/Early Dismissal Day

Faculty/Staff/Students:12:30-4pm.  Please use Door 20 (same one we use during the summer)

Resume regular after school hours on Tuesday, February 18.

Regular After-School Hours:

For all students, faculty and staff 


 During the school year: Enter the high school through the back main office (off O'Bryan Lane). As you come in through the doors, bare LEFT and follow the green hallway. (Do not go down the stairs.) At the end of the green hallway take the stairs, they will be on your right and go up.  

Parking/Entrance Map: Back Office

During the summer: Enter the fitness center  through the exterior door labeled: Door 20.

Follow us on Instagram:  @scfitnessclub

Students should check out the Fitness Center calendar for the participation schedule. 
The Calendar is located on the left side of the main page (or "Pages" icon at the top of page if on mobile). 
The Fitness Center is closed during the following times:
Winter Break
Spring break
and when after school activities are canceled due to inclement weather.
During in-service and Act 80 days hours: vary, please check back.

Operating hours are subject to change.  Any changes to the
schedule will be noted in the facility, and on the Welcome page.
Students are not permitted to use the fitness center (or SCASD Facilities) after graduation,
regardless of when a student graduates (January/June).