Career Exploration
Career Exploration and Planning
What problems do you want to solve in this world?

An important part of each high school student’s educational experience is to explore and research post-high school opportunities and career pathways. This is something that the State High faculty and administration value deeply and it is also a requirement set by the PA Department of Education (Chapter 339).
Within Xello, there are a series of lessons and activities designed to help you consider your areas of interest and your areas of strength. Completing Matchmaker, Personality Style and Mission Complete is the foundation for the lessons you should be doing each year. If you have done these previously, it is recommended that you reset Matchmaker (this should be done every year). You can also “Review Answers” for Matchmaker, Personality Style, and Mission Complete. Change any responses that have changed for you in the last year. Once you have completed the Matchmaker interest inventory, you will need to select three careers that interest you before starting any of the Xello lessons.
PA Career Zone is a free resource allowing students to learn about themselves (with informative assessments), employment options, and the education and training that will prepare students for those options. Students can also consider ideas about their future by comparing different options. Students can record ongoing work and review previous work.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the Nation′s premier source for career information. Provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the profiles featured here cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections for the 2010–20 decade.
The O*NET program is a primary source of occupational information, containing hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database, which is available to the public at no cost, is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation. It's an interactive application for exploring and searching occupations. The database also provides the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for workers and students looking to find or change careers.The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is being developed under the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration.