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Newsies (2019)

Newsies Publicity on Location


State High Thespians are excited to announce their

2019 Isaac Award Winners:

It was a night to remember and this is how it went! 


Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Sadie Sublett as Crutchie—State College Area High School—”Newsies” 

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Nicolas Cole as Davey—State College Area High School—”Newsies”

Runner up Best Actress or Actor in a Featured Role 

Kate Leous as Les—State College Area High School—”Newsies”

Runner up Best Stage Crew

State College Area High School—”Newsies”

Best Ensemble

The Newsies—State College Area High School—”Newsies” 

Runner up Achievement in Design

Bree Clark, set design—State College Area High School—”Newsies!”  

Winner Achievement in Choreography

Emilia Brannen—State College Area High School—”Newsies” 

Best Featured Dance or Dancer

Seize the Day—State College Area High School—”Newsies”

(also nominated - Carrying the Banner)

Best Actor in a Leading RoleTaylor Elliot as Jack—State College Area High School—”Newsies” 

Runner up Best Actress in a Leading Role

Abigail McGuire as Katherine—State College Area High School—”Newsies” 

Best Musical Number

King of New York—State College Area High School—”Newsies”

(also nominated - Watch What Happens)

Best Overall Production

State College Area High School—”Newsies”!

Newsies Isaac Awards

Sadie 2 copy
Nick 2
Kate 3
Kate 2 copy
Ensemble 1
Ensemble 2 copy
Ensemble 3
Bree 2
Millie 2
Carrying the Banner 1
Carrying the Banner 2
Sieze the Day 1
Seize The Day 2
Seize the Day 3
Taylor 3
Taylor 2
Abigail 3
Abigail 2
Watch What Happens 1
Watch What Happens 2
King of New York 1
King of New York 2
King of New York 3 copy
Medda 2
Medda 1
Pulitzer group 1
Pulitzer Group 2
Production copy




Jack Kelly – Taylor Elliott

Crutchie – Sadie Sublett

Davey – Nicholas Cole

Les – Kate Leous


Race – John Michael Rosenblum

Albert – Dylan Henderson

Tommy Boy (also Bill Hurst) – Will Fecko

Specs – Fiona Mulley

Henry – Logan Glaze

Finch – Ava Loehr

Romeo – Nicolas Cardenas-Miller

Elmer – Spencer Perry

Mush – Dean Brannen

Buttons – Cassidy Brown

Jo Jo – Madeline Miller

Splasher – Nicole McFadden-Derer

Ike – James Saylor

Mike – Christopher Cole


Scab 1 – Sarah Cook (feature dance King of New York, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Scab 2 – Lucas Monroe (feature dance King of New York, Man, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Scab 3 – Kate Horn (feature dance King of New York, Brooklyn/other Newsie) 

Spot Conlon – Caylee Thompson (also Nun, Photographer) 

Katherine Plumber – Abigail McGuire

Darcy – Rebecca Ziegler (Bowery Beauty, Policeman, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Bill Hurst (also Tommy Boy) – Will Fecko 

Wiesel (also Mayor) – Caleb Craig (Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Morris Delancey – Cian Hildebrandt Nelson (Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Oscar Delancey – Risha Shea (Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Joseph Pulitzer – Mitchell Case

Seitz – Katrina Cole (also Nun, Bowery Beauty)

Bunsen – Anna Farris (also Nun, Bowery Beauty)

Hannah – Abigail Lemmon (also Nun, Bowery Beauty)

Nunzio – Sammy Hallacher (Policeman, also Brooklyn/other Newsie,)

 Snyder –Jacqueline Torrez (also Nun, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Medda Larkin – Demanie Redhead

Stage Manager – Randy Modglin (also Guard, Brooklyn/other Newsie, Teddy Roosevelt)

Bowery Beauties: (6)

                        Nora Goudie (Goon, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

                        Millie Brannen, Katrina Cole, Anna Farris, Abigail Lemmon, Rebecca Ziegler

Jacobi – Millie Brannen - *Choreographer, feature dance King of New York

                                    (also Bowery Beauty, Brooklyn/other Newsie, Goon)

Mayor (also Wiesel) – Caleb Craig

Governor Teddy Roosevelt – Randy Modglin

 Nuns: (8)

            Layla Thornton (Nun 1, Goon, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

            Lauren Lieb (Woman, Brooklyn/other Newsie,)

            Emily Stoller (Goon, Brooklyn/other Newsie)

            Katrina Cole, Anna Farris, Abigail Lemmon, Jacqueline Torrez, Calyee Thompson 

Policemen: (3)

Gabe Marshall (Brooklyn/other Newsie)

Sammy Hallacher, Rebecca Ziegler

Goons: (4)

            Millie Brannen, Nora Goudie, Layla Thornton, Emily Stoller