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National Honor Society
State College Area High School
653 Westerly Parkway
State College, PA 16801 
Advisor: Jennifer Rand
The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.”
                                                                                       - NHS Constitution
NHS 2023 24


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Order from the Lion's Closet



  • Invitations to the SCAHS NHS were emailed on Tuesday, February 4 to full time students who attend State High and Delta High.  All students in grades 10 and 11 who have a 3.75 cumulative unweighted GPA as of the end of the first semester should have received an invitation.  If you believe you should receive an invitation, be sure to check the mail.  Email if you do not receive yours.  Please note: this year, no invitations will be mailed home.  All invitations are sent through email.  
  • For any community service completed during high school (measured as beginning the first day of summer prior to your freshman year) to be considered as a part of this application, service forms must be handed in to your home school's counseling office by Tuesday, February 18.  Community service forms handed in after that date will not be processed until after NHS applications are due.  
  • Completed applications are due Tuesday, February 27 at the end of the school day (3:40PM).  No late applications will be considered. 
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