Chapter Bylaws
National Honor Society
State College Area High School
650 Westerly Parkway
State College, PA 16801
Advisor: Jennifer Rand
Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be the State College Area High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Section 2. The purpose of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in the students of State College Area High School.
Section 3. Decisions regarding the chapter’s affairs will be made by the Faculty Council, a board consisting of five faculty members appointed by the principal. The chapter adviser shall be the sixth, non-voting, ex-officio member of the Faculty Council
Section 1. Membership in this chapter shall be known as active, honorary, and graduate. Active members become graduate members at graduation. Graduate and honorary members have no vote in chapter affairs.
Section 2. Membership in local chapters is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is made by the Faculty Council and is based on exemplary Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service.
Section 3. The Faculty Council shall reserve the right to award honorary membership to school officials, principals, teachers, NHS advisers, adults, students with disabilities, or foreign exchange students in recognition of achievement and/or outstanding service rendered to the school in keeping with the purposes of NHS.
Section 4. Upon selection, candidates will be inducted as members at a special ceremony
Section 5. Any transfer NHS member may be automatically accepted with the submission of a letter from their previous chapter advisor or principal. Transfer members must meet this chapter’s standards within one semester in order to retain membership.
Section 6. Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership.
Section 1. The selection of members to this chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council.
Section 2. Eligibility:
- Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be either full-time (full-time is defined as maintaining a minimum of 6.5 credits) high school juniors, or second semester sophomores at State College Area High School or Delta High School.
- To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance for a period of one semester at State College Area High School or Delta High School.
- In the case of routine semester ineligibility (i.e. military families), this rule may be waived upon recommendation from the previous school’s principal.
- Candidates eligible for election to the chapter must have a minimum cumulative unweighted grade point average of 3.75. The GPA used for invitations to apply will be the student's cumulative unweighted GPA, using all completed courses as well as grades from the first semester of year-long classes.
Section 3. By meeting the grade level, attendance, and GPA standard requirements, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, character.
Section 4. Prior to selection, the following shall occur:
- Students’ academic records shall be reviewed to determine scholastic eligibility.
- Students’ disciplinary records shall be reviewed to indicate honor.
- Candidates shall be notified and asked to complete an online application in which they will document their activities, leadership, awards, and community service accrued since the day after the completion of their 8th grade year.
- Activities will include all school activites, as well as scouts, church, jobs, club sports, and any other activity that shows evidence of community engagement.
- The application will include a short essay (no more than one page) describing the candidate’s character.
- Faculty Council shall evaluate each candidate’s character and leadership in the classroom setting using an official evaluation form provided by the chapter adviser.
- The Faculty Council shall review the application and essay in order to determine membership. The application and essay will be scored on a publically available rubric.
Section 5. The selection of new, active members shall be held once per year for rising members of the junior and senior class.
Section 6. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.
Section 7. An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers from this school will be given a letter indicating the status of his/her membership and signed by the Principal or Advisor.
Section 1. Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, or service may be dismissed from the State College chapter of the National Honor Society. A member of the National Honor Society is expected to maintain his/her academic standing and take an active role in service and leadership to his/her school and community.
Section 2. If a member’s cumulative grade point average falls below 3.75, he /she will be given a written warning and one semester for improvement. If the cumulative grade point average remains below standard at the end of the semester the student will be subject to further disciplinary action by the Faculty Council that may include dismissal from the chapter.
Section 3. A level IV violation or violation of the law will result in dismissal of a member. These violations include, but are not limited to, DUI, stealing, destruction of property, cheating, or possession, selling, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or school-related activities.
Section 4. Offenders of the school conduct code (unexcused absence, excessive tardiness, etc.) will receive written warning notification. A conference may be requested by either Faculty Council or the student/parent. Any additional violations may be cause for dismissal.
Section 5. In all cases of pending dismissal:
- The member will receive written notification indicating the reason for possible dismissal from the adviser/Faculty Council. The member and adviser will discuss the written notification in a conference. In situations involving flagrant violations of school rules or the law a student forfeits the right of timely notification, however, a hearing must still be held.
- The Faculty Council determines the number of warnings you may receive before possible dismissal and all cases have the right to a hearing. The student may argue their case either in person or in writing at the hearing. A majority vote is required for dismissal. If an appeal requested, the principal will hear the case.
- Dismissed members must surrender any membership emblems to the adviser.
Section 1. The officers of the chapter shall be president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and there may be a parlimentarian, upon the discretion of the advisor. All active members are eligible to hold officer positions. Students must complete and submit a leadership essay and a letter of recommendation from a teacher by the determined due date to be considered.
Section 2. Student officers shall be selected by the faculty advisors with additional consideration from the outgoing officers.
Section 3. Additional club leadership opportunities exist for those students who will serve as the representative leaders for club initiatives. These representatives will attend regular meetings with the officer team.
Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the faculty advisers, chapter officers, and initiative leaders.
Section 2. The executive committee shall have general supervision of the meetings and the business of the chapter, but any action by the executive committee is subject to the review of the chapter members.
Section 1. Meetings of this chapter shall be monthly or bimonthly; no more than one meeting to conduct chapter business and the second to meet with service teams.
Section 2. Chapter members are expected to attend regularly-scheduled chapter meetings.
Section 1. The chapter shall conduct at least one major project during each school year, in addition to communicating opportunities for more service projects in which members can participate.
Section 2. All members shall regularly participate in these projects.
Section 3. These projects shall have the following characteristics: fulfill a need within the school or community, have the support of the administration and the faculty, be appropriate and educationally defensible, and be well-planned, organized, and executed.
Section 4. Each member may choose and participate in an individual service project which reflects his or her particular talents and interests and as approved by the chapter adviser. This is in addition to the chapter projects to which all members contribute.
Section 5. The chapter shall publicize its projects in a positive manner.
Section 6. Each member shall be expected to complete at minimum of 20 hours of community service for each year of membership. Service, as defined by the State College Area High School, is selfless committment to the community, giving time and energy for which the student does not directly benefit (i.e. raising funds for a club a student belongs to is not service, but a student in a club raising money for a charity is considered service)
Section 1. Each member of this chapter who is in good standing with regard to the membership standards and member obligations shall have the privilege of wearing the emblem adopted by the National Honor Society.
Section 2. Chapter members who are seniors in good standing shall be granted the privilege of wearing the honor medallion at graduation.
Section 1. Annual dues for this chapter shall be $20.00.
Section 2. Dues will be payable to the chapter sponsor in September of each school year.
Section 3. Dues will be waived for any student who communicates their financial hardship to the club advisor.
Section 1. A member will be considered in good standing if his/her dues have been paid or a waiver has been granted.
Section 2. A member will be considered in good standing if he/she has completed, documented, and turned in the appropriate number of service hours.
Section 1. The chapter adviser is given the authority to supervise the administration of chapter activities, as delegated by the school principal.
Section 2. The principal shall reserve the right to approve or veto all activities and decisions of the chapter.
Section 3: These bylaws are designed to amplify provisions of the National Constitution and cannot contradict any components thereof. The chapter is obligated to adhere to the provisions of the National Constitution in all activities it undertakes.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the chapter, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given to members at least one month prior to the vote. Principal may review all amendments.
Section 2. Bylaws and amendments must be consistent with the Constitution of the National Honor Society.
Section 1. A member in good standing who goes above and beyond the four pillars of NHS in demonstrating exemplary action on behalf of the club may be presented with an award acknowledging their superior leadership, character, service, and scholarship. The designee of this honor will be selected by the club advisor.
Template for these bylaws taken from the National Honor Society’s “Official NHS Constitution.”
Structure for these bylaws taken from Menchville High School's “By-Laws Sample NHS”
Article XIX was added after a majority vote was earned on May 23, 2017.