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Annual Requirements for Inducted Members

Being accepted into NHS is the first step, but to remain a member, you must continue to set an example in each of the four pillars for each of the years you remain an active member in high school.  You will do so by:

  • Maintaining your excellent scholarship of a 3.75 cumulative unweighted GPA through graduation
  • Continuing your selfless service to the community by earning a minimum of 20 hours each school year (beginning the first day of summer through May 25th).*
  • Continuing to evidence leadership and an excellent character by adhering to the rules of the school and remaining actively engaged in our school and community.  
  • Attending chapter meetings 
  • Engaging in chapter activities
  • Submitting your annual dues ($20 -- however, students in need can request a waiver for their dues). 

Students who reach this very high bar of achievement will be afforded the opportunity to wear the NHS medal at graduation. 

* Note on service: Service, as defined by the State College Area High School, is selfless commitment to the community, giving time and energy from which the student does not directly benefit.   Participation in the regularly scheduled events of any club or activity you are a part of is not considered service, unless that event is for the direct benefit of another group or entity in need.  

  • Raising funds for the benefit of a club a student belongs to is not community service, but a student in a club participating in an activity to raise money for a charity would be considered community service.  Example: 
    • Running a drama camp over the summer to raise funds for travel is not community service; however, helping to run a drama camp solely for the good of the community is service.  
  • Receiving training or developing skills for future service opportunities is not, in itself, considered to be service; however, completing that service is.  Examples: 
    • Completion of the Social Justice Summer Institute is not service; however, any work in service of the community as a result of completing that training is community service. 
    • Completing LIT training for Shavers Creek is not community service; however, serving as an LIT is community service. 
    • Practicing piano or a high school band concert is not considered community service; however, visiting Foxdale to perform for retirees is.

New to the district? 

If you are a student who was inducted at another school, please have your chapter advisor send Jen Rand an email confirming that you were a member in good standing at your prior school.  Your membership will automatically transfer to the SCAHS chapter.  To retain your membership, you will need to meet all SCAHS NHS annual requirements with the exception of GPA.  New students must maintain a 3.75 unweighted GPA at State High only; the cumulative GPA will not be considered.