Current Renaissance Fair Information
Year: 1579
The year is 1579 in a small coastal town of the name Rye. Six short years ago Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, came to the town of Rye to bestow the title “Rye Royal,” for their participation in a battle against the Spanish. Suddenly, on the day of the 6 year anniversary celebration of Her Majesty’s visit, a group of pirates, led by Captain Warner, invade the town. Will Sir William Gold, the protector of the town, be able to save Rye or will the town fall to the devious pirates?
Who Are We
The Renaissance Faire Club aspires to create a historical reenactment of a Renaissance England market and theater day in a typical Shire. The Faire occurs in late May on the soccer field behind Welch Pool. General meetings are held throughout the school to help us prepare for the event. A committee of students, known as Steering, writes the plot and coordinates activities to be held throughout the day such as Merlin’s Market crafts, tavern and pub refreshments, dancing, singing, archery demonstrations, a human chess match and many more. Typically, there are approximately 30 students in the club, around 10-15 of them being officers on the steering committee.
Join Us!
Please join our Renaissance Fair on Sunday, May 19th at the field behind the Welsh Pool from 11 am to 4 pm! We will have student vendors, crafts, food, and more! Here is the link to the full schedule and we hope you can come!
Note: Our Faire is CASH ONLY so please keep that in mind when attending! Thank you!