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  • SCAHS Mock Trial Team

    • Jennifer Rand, Club advisor
    • April Simpson, Attorney advisor  

    The Pennsylvania Bar Association prepares a mock litigation scenario each year.  Our team prepares a trial for both the plaintiff and the defendant.  There are 3 attorneys for each side and three witnesses, but no more than 8 students may be on a team, so there must be overlap between the defense and plaintiff teams.  Because of the limited number of students who may participate, only students who qualify at try-outs may participate.  District competition is at the County Court in Bellefonte in late January /early February.  Winners go to the regional competition in Williamsport in early March, and then to the State Tournament in Harrisburg in late March.  The winner of the Pennsylvania tournament goes to the National Tournament. Mock Trial operates as part of the FORENSICS club.  

    Meetings are held every Thursday from September - February 28 from 4:00 - 5:30 and, during preparation for competitions, will additionally be held with the team's attorney advisor on an as-needed basis. 


    • To become a member of the SCAHS Mock Trial Team, students need to try out for a spot in June.  Students will have the chance to prepare for their roles in advance.  
    • Because only 8 members will be selected for the team, and every person plays a critical role -- even if it's just to be a supportive presence -- it is expected that the team members will: 
      • Attend all practices
      • Attend all competitions (there are only 3 regularly scheduled competitions during the season)
      • Be prepared to be script-free by the PSU competition in early January
      • Attend all competitions in appropriate court room attire
Last Modified on September 2, 2021