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Austauschprogramm mit der Helene-Lange-Schule in Hannover, Deutschland

The German Exchange with the Helene-Lange-Schule in Hannover, Germany



 For over 30 years, State High has had an exchange program with the Helene-Lange-Schule in Hannover, Germany.  

Important Facts about the exhange in the US:

  • German students from the Helene-Lange-Schule visit State High for 3 weeks in September and October.
  • German students stay with families of State High students.
  • German students visit Niagara Falls, Washington D.C., New York City, and perhaps other destinations.  A limited number of State High students are permitted to accompany the students on these trips.
  • German students also visit local attractions, including Beaver Stadium, the Creamery and Penns Cave.

Important Facts about the exchange in Germany:

  • American students from State High visit Germany for 3 weeks immediately following the end of the school year in June. 
  • American students stay with students who have been to State High the previous fall.
  • American students visit Berlin, Goslar, the Rhine River, and perhaps other destinations.
  • American students also tour a bakery in Hannover and visit the VW factory near the city.


Due to COVID-19, the German students from Hannover will not be visiting State High in the Fall of 2021.  Stay tuned for more information regarding when the exchange program will resume.