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Catalog: Place holds, renew, and write reviews

How to place a hold, access your account, renew items, and access digital books

Access the High School Library Catalog  

Log in: Use the link in the upper, right-hand corner of the catalog and sign in with the blue Google link (your SCASD account.)

Place a Hold/Request a Book

  1. Log in and search for the title. Click on the book's title link

  2. Choose the “Hold” button in the side pane

  3. When it becomes available, the library staff will notify you by email

How to Rate and Write a Review

Read this first!

  1. Log in and locate the title you want to review. Click on the book's title link and then in the side pane click View More Details.
  2. Click on the Reviews Tab and then Click on Write a Review.
  3. Choose your star rating. It's optional to enter a review, but be sure to click "Submit Review."
  4. Once a submitted review is approved by the library staff it will appear in the catalog with the reviewer's initials. 

Renew Books (that are not overdue!)

  1. Login and click the down arrow next to My StuffSelect Checkouts.
  2. The items checked out will be listed with the due dates.
  3. If you want to renew a book, click the three dots and choose the Renew link.
  4. Your book will now be listed with the new due date.
  5. If the program does not allow you to renew, please stop by the library or email us