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Benefits of CTC

Benefits of CTC Course Completion

All CTC students experience industry based training and will have the opportunity to earn Industry Recognized Certifications and Credentials.  These courses also allow students to gain high level skills and provide the ability to pursue a high wage occupation.  In addition, students have the option to participate in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), as well as Earn Free and Reduced College Credits while completing a CTC program.  Students are also provided an opportunity to participate in Work Based Learning Experiences including Cooperative Capstone (paid job placement), clinical placements, internships, and teaching assistants. These opportunities allow select students to extend and reinforce classroom learning to the real-world environments.  

Free and Reduced College Credit: All CTC students at SCAHS receive technical training, employability skills, and academic proficiency, while also having the opportunity to earn Free and Reduced College Credits.  This opportunity will build a firm foundation for a career or pursuing post-secondary education.  Students may take advantage of all of the following ways to earn college credits:   

1. Statewide Articulation Agreements, SOAR - Students Occupationally and Academically Ready.  SOAR articulates skills and tasks gained at the high school level to course credit earned in a postsecondary college degree, diploma, or certificate program.  Qualifying students receive FREE credit from the college upon admission.  

2. NOCTI collaborates with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to translate all credential content into college credit.  Students who score 70% or higher for approved credentials are eligible for college credit. A free College Credit Recommendation Report is generated for each eligible student and students may also request an official transcript from Excelsior College by completing an application.

3. Dual Enrollment/College in the High School Programs  – This program allows qualified students to earn credits from the college and the high school at the same time.  These college level classes are offered during the school day and are taught by the CareerTech program instructors.  College credits count towards a degree program at the college earned or transferred to other colleges.    

4. Direct Articulation Agreements – There are several CTC programs at State High that have articulation agreements.  Students articulate skills and tasks gained at State High to course credit earned in a postsecondary college degree, diploma, or certificate program.  Qualifying students receive FREE credit from the college upon admission.